Detailed Guide to Trekking in Chieu Lau Thi, Ha Giang

by Lam Pham

If you are a trekking enthusiast and love adventurous trails in the wild, Trekking in Chieu Lau Thi, Ha Giang will definitely be a destination not to be missed. With its majestic scenery, challenging mountain roads, and unique culture of local ethnic groups, Chieu Lau Thi offers you a wonderful and emotional trekking experience. In this article, Karst Plateau will provide a detailed guide so that you can prepare for trekking in Chieu Lau Thi.

1. Introduce to Chieu Lau Thi

Detailed Guide to Trekking in Chieu Lau Thi, Ha Giang

Conquering Chieu Lau Thi peak, you have the opportunity to admire the rich natural scenery with many rare animals and plants in the green forest

Chieu Lau Thi is one of the highest peaks in Ha Giang province, located in the Vietnam-China border area. With an elevation of approximately 2,413 meters above sea level, this peak is part of the Tay Con Linh mountain range. Trekking in Chieu Lau Thi offers not only stunning views but also presents a considerable challenge for trekking enthusiasts.

Famous for its magnificent natural landscapes, Chieu Lau Thi features lush green valleys, verdant fields, and majestic mountain ranges. The area is home to diverse ethnic minorities such as the Hmong, Dao, Tay, and Giay, contributing to a vibrant cultural mosaic. Trekking in Chieu Lau Thi allows you to experience this rich cultural tapestry firsthand.

The primeval mountain forest of Chieu Lau Thi, located in a highland mountainous area, is a treasure trove for nature lovers. During your trek, you’ll have the chance to admire rare species of animals and plants, as well as ancient, precious wood. On clear days, trekking in Chieu Lau Thi provides breathtaking views of golden sunlight filtering through the mountains, alongside a vast, floating seascape that embodies romance and poetry. This makes trekking in Chieu Lau Thi an irresistible destination for adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts alike.

2. The ideal time for Trekking in Chieu Lau Thi

You can come here in January – February when the peach blossoms are in full bloom

Chieu Lau Thi is almost beautiful all year round, each season brings a different color with a different experience. However, the most suitable time to go trekking in Chieu Lau Thi to hunt clouds is probably from September to December of the solar calendar. Visitors can also go to 3 periods of the most beautiful scenery, namely in the ripe rice season, the pouring water season, or the peach blossom season and plum blossoms.

– Ripe rice season: Late September, early October

– Water pouring season: Late April, early May

– Peach blossom and plum blossom season: January – February

Note to check the weather through the forecast to avoid rainy and stormy seasons, as flash floods or landslides are prone here.

3. Trekking Schedule in Chieu Lau Thi

Day 1: Move to Ha Giang

This first day is all about getting into the rhythm of the journey and preparing yourself mentally and physically for the days of trekking in Chieu Lau Thi that lie ahead

Morning: Starting the journey from Hanoi to Ha Giang, the travel time usually lasts from 6 to 8 hours. This stretch of the road can be long and tiring, but good preparation and spirit will help you get through it easily. Please make sure you have enough snacks and drinks to maintain energy throughout the trip.

Afternoon: While you’re in Ha Giang, take some time to rest and explore nearby places like Pho Cao and Sung La. These destinations not only give you the opportunity to relax but also help you get acquainted with the local scenery and culture before embarking on your trekking journey in Chieu Lau Thi. Pho Cao and Sung La with their beautiful scenery and fresh air will be a great start to your trekking trip in Chieu Lau Thi, and create a sense of comfort and excitement for the next day.

Day 2: Start trekking in the afternoon

Start trekking journey at Chieu Lau Thi

Morning: After traveling from Yen Minh to the foot of Chieu Lau Thi mountain, you will start your journey of trekking in Chieu Lau Thi in the afternoon. This is the ideal time to prepare for the journey to the top of the mountain. Make sure you are fully equipped and mentally prepared to start trekking in Chieu Lau Thi, as the trek will require endurance and patience.

Midday: When you reach the top of Chieu Lau Thi, you can rest and enjoy lunch right here. This is the ideal time to recharge your energy while admiring the beautiful scenery from the top of the mountain. The majestic scenery of Chieu Lau Thi and the surrounding panorama will surely make your trekking in Chieu Lau Thi more memorable than ever.

Afternoon: After taking a break and enjoying the beautiful view from the top of the mountain, you can continue to explore and enjoy the fresh air. You can decide to stay overnight in the nearby area to continue your experience of trekking in Chieu Lau Thi the next day. An overnight stay will not only help you relax but also allow you to explore other aspects of the area, thereby enriching your experience of trekking in Chieu Lau Thi.

Day 3: Hunting Clouds and Visiting Ho Tau Commune

Checking in early in the morning will not make you regret it

Morning: Start your day by waking up early to hunt for clouds in Chieu Lau Thi. At sunrise, you’ll be treated to a mystical landscape with clouds covering the mountaintop, creating a picturesque scenery. This is a great opportunity for you to take impressive photos and enjoy the magical natural beauty during the trekking in Chieu Lau Thi.

Midday: After enjoying the clouds, move to Ho Tau commune, a nearby highland commune. This is where you can experience the local culture and enjoy traditional dishes. Ho Tau commune stands out for its unique customs and customs of the Dao, H’mong, and Tay people. Lunch here is not only an opportunity to recharge your energy but also help you understand more about the life and cuisine of the locals.

Afternoon: After visiting Ho Thau commune, you will return to Ha Giang to end the journey. While the return journey may take a few hours, it’s a time to relax and reflect on the trekking experience in Chieu Lau Thi. When you arrive in Ha Giang, you can rest or prepare for the next trip. This last day closes the trekking in Chieu Lau Thi, leaving memorable and impressive memories in your heart.

4. Explore Chieu Lau Thi

4.1 Hunting Clouds in Chieu Lau Thi

Detailed Guide to Trekking in Chieu Lau Thi, Ha Giang

Early morning is the best time to hunt clouds here. Before the sun rises, white clouds cover the mountain tops

The road to the top of Chieu Lau Thi is only about 10km long, but the road is steep and difficult to walk, there are still many pebbles, but perhaps what is difficult to conquer is even more attractive, right? Trekking in Chieu Lau Thi from Ban Luoc, you should go and ask the people to come to Ho Thu and go another 16km to reach the junction of Ho Tau – Nang Don. Turn right and go to Nang Don for 12km to reach Chieu Lau Thi. The scenery on both sides of the road will surely amaze you with the majestic forest scenery and rolling mountains.

Going all the way, you have to stop at the foot of the mountain and climb the stairs to reach the top of Chieu Lau Thi. When we arrived, looking at the faint peak of Chieu Lau Thi Mountain in the mist and clouds, we felt like we were lost in the heavens. Take a deep breath to feel the fresh air here. Enlarge your eyes far away and slowly feel the beauty of peace, not noisy and boisterous, but carrying a wild and majestic beauty. From here, you can see the entire scenery of Bac Quang, Xin Man, and Hoang Su Phi districts, etc.

With the altitude and cold climate, this place also has a specialty of shan tuyet tea – a precious gift from nature with a characteristic aroma, and a sweet taste in the aftertaste. What could be more exciting than drinking a cup of warm tea in the cold climate on the top, surrounded by four white clouds floating and inviting?

The white clouds covering the mountain top created a magical and spectacular scene

In spring, you can see peach blossoms, and plum blossoms in full bloom, in addition, there are white oval flowers in 2 paths that will make you not want to go back.

In November, you will encounter red-leaved maple trees, although not as many as in Europe, but if you take the right angle, you will also have romantic photos that are not inferior.

This entire experience embodies the essence of Trekking in Chieu Lau Thi, where every step brings you closer to nature’s untouched beauty and the quiet allure of Ha Giang’s rugged landscape.

4.2 Visit Ho Thau commune

Buckwheat flower season in full bloom in Ho Thau

On the trekking in Chieu Lau Thi trip, you will surely stop by the majestic terraced fields in Ho Thau commune. The rice terraces here are not as famous as the rice terraces of Ban Phung, Ban Luoc – San Sa Ho, or Thong Nguyen, but they still wear their own inherent beauty – the beauty of peace and quiet. The people of Ho Tau are rustic, approachable, and very hospitable.

5. Important Notes When Trekking in Chieu Lau Thi

By keeping these important notes in mind, you’ll be better prepared to have a safe and memorable trekking experience in Chieu Lau Thi

Trekking in Chieu Lau Thi is an exhilarating experience, but it’s essential to be well-prepared and mindful of the challenges that come with this adventure. Here are some important notes to consider:

5.1 Safety is a top priority

  • Choose an Experienced Guide: If you are not familiar with the area, hire an experienced local guide. Not only do they help you orient yourself, but they also provide useful information about the locality.
  • Traveling with a Group: For safety, always accompany a group or at least one companion. It is not recommended to trek alone to avoid unforeseen risks.

5.2 Weather Tracker

  • Check the weather forecast: Before you leave, check the weather forecast to prepare the right clothes and equipment. Rain or bad weather can increase the difficulty and danger of the journey.
  • Prepare for weather changes: In the event of a sudden change in the weather, prepare a raincoat, windbreaker, and the necessary equipment to protect yourself.

5.3 Environmental Protection

  • Don’t Throw Trash Indiscriminately: Bring a garbage bag and bring all your garbage home. Maintaining environmental hygiene is the responsibility of each person to protect the beauty of nature.
  • Comply with Protective Regulations: Comply with conservation area or local government regulations and guidelines. This helps protect the ecosystem and preserve the environment for future generations.

5.4 Health and Nutrition Preparation

  • Health Check: Before starting the trek, make sure you are in good health. If you have cardiovascular problems, blood pressure, or other health problems, consult your doctor before you travel.
  • Bring Food and Water: Make sure you have enough energy-rich food and water to drink throughout the journey. Not only will this help you maintain your strength, but it will also help you prevent dehydration and fatigue.

5.5 Respect for local culture

  • Integrate with the local community: When visiting villages or communes, behave politely and respect the customs and customs of the local people. Ask for opinions before taking photos or participating in their activities.
  • Learn about Local Culture: Learn about the customs, festivals, and traditions of the ethnic minorities you meet. Respect and understanding will help you have a more positive experience.

Trekking in Chieu Lau Thi is an unforgettable experience that combines natural beauty, physical challenge, and cultural discovery. With the right preparation and respect for the environment and local communities, you’ll have an adventure that will stay with you long after you’ve left Ha Giang. For more insights into trekking adventures and Ha Giang’s hidden gems, visit Karst Plateau.

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