
Grilled moss – A unique dish not to be missed in Ha Giang

Ha Giang is famous for its diverse cuisine of unique but no less delicious traditional dishes. In particular, Ha Giang grilled moss makes many tourists fall in love. So, let’s learn and discover the unique features of this dish with Karst Plateau.

1. The origin of grilled moss, Ha Giang

Moss is found in large moss beds along streams

When it comes to stone moss, there is no doubt that everyone knows that it is an aquatic plant. However, the use of moss as food has caused skepticism for many people, especially foreign tourists when traveling to Ha Giang. Moss can grow everywhere in humid lands but is not trusted by people to use it as a food source.

Especially in humid areas, stone moss can grow very quickly, but many people still do not dare to try this dish. However, for the Tay ethnic group, stone moss has become a valuable product and plays an important role in the kitchen. Known locally as “Que”, this dish is not only beautiful but also has a unique taste, which is hard to match with any other dish.

It is found deep under crystal clear springs and grows naturally on rock slabs. However, people do not know when their ancestors used moss in their dishes. Instead, they just pass it on to each other with a story that has been passed down through generations. Coming to any tourist destination in Ha Giang, you will also hear from the people here.

According to legend, the “moss god” gave birth to humans in this land and humans must also be responsible for creating conditions for moss to grow naturally. Since then, moss represents an important part of the culture and history of Ha Giang province.

2. Ingredients for making grilled moss, Ha Giang

The types of moss used to make grilled moss in Ha Giang must be stone moss

According to local people, they often choose large moss beds because in that place, moss grows and grows the most densely. Not only that, stone moss will be delicious, crispy, fatty and more nutritious.

The moss selected for making grilled moss should be the freshest, soft, fluffy dark green in color, and thin fibers. When picking up moss, people will have to stand at the bottom of the stream. The water flows from the highest place to the bottom, just take your hand and swing it over the youngest. Usually, moss only lives for 6-7 days, that is, from the moment it grows for 3-4 days, it must be picked up immediately.

At that time, the moss is still young, and if it is left for more than 7 days, it will turn white, which means that the moss has become old and can no longer be eaten. Although there are many stream moss in Ha Giang, not all types are delicious. Moreover, edible moss is also only seasonal. Therefore, for the Tay ethnic people here, moss is considered a precious dish. This type of rock moss will only start growing when the weather starts in autumn and will end the season around the end of the third lunar month.

3. Uses of grilled moss

This is an aquatic plant that is very good for the heart, people with high blood pressure, and also helps detoxify and clear heat

Grilled moss is one of the specialty dishes of the Ha Giang region. It is not only loved by locals for its delicious taste but it is also considered one of the secrets to promoting health. It not only helps blood circulation, cools, and detoxifies but also strengthens resistance and keeps blood pressure more stable.

This is an aquatic plant that has a very good effect on the heart, and people with high blood pressure and also supports detoxification and heat purification.

In the past, stone moss was a hunger relief dish for many families. However, up to now, moss has become a specialty dish and the secret for many elderly people to still maintain clarity and good health.

4. How to prepare grilled moss, delicious Ha Giang

When the moss is mixed and absorbed with spices, the moss will be wrapped into small portions wrapped in dong leaves and grilled

The way to make Ha Giang grilled moss is not too sophisticated, but it needs to go through quite a few stages. After bringing back the moss from the stream, it must go through a preliminary processing stage to remove the mud and soil attached to it, then slice the moss to season it.

Whether Ha Giang grilled moss is delicious or not is completely determined largely in the spice mixing stage. After tearing the moss and slicing the moss, season with lemongrass leaves, coriander leaves, knotgrass leaves, chives, add a little salt, and monosodium glutamate, and add one to two Doi seeds. In addition, you can also add your favorite spices according to each person’s taste. After that, mix it all, wrap it in leaves, and grill it.

The process of grilling moss is also extremely important, grilling must be skillful so that the dish smells fragrant, when grilling moss, one side must be pressed against the charcoal to cook on one side and then grill the other side. Keep baking until you use two fingers to click and feel soft.

5. Address to enjoy delicious grilled moss

5.1 Dong Van Market, Quan Ba

In addition to rich cuisine, this famous market also sells extremely diverse brocade, clothes, and agricultural products

Dong Van market is considered one of the most popular markets in Ha Giang. The market is located right in the old town of Dong Van town, so it is very easy for tourists to come and experience it. The market meets once a week on Sundays. Grilled moss is one of the most popular dishes at the market.

The grilled moss dish at the market creates the most highlight in the spice part. People will marinate moss together with lemongrass leaves, coriander leaves, chives, Doi seeds, salt, etc. These ingredients will bring a unique and unique flavor that you can’t refuse.

Address: Dong Van market, Ha Giang.
Opening hours: 5:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. every Sunday
Reference price: 10,000 – 30,000 VND

5.2 Meo Vac Market

The recipe for making Ha Giang grilled moss at Meo Vac market is carefully calculated so the flavor is extremely balanced and attractive to all passing visitors.

When it comes to places to enjoy delicious Ha Giang grilled moss, it must be mentioned the Meo Vac Bazaar. The market will be open every Sunday right in the center of the district. Different from other bazaars, you will be surprised by the huge scale here. The goods here are very diverse from agricultural products, food, jewelry, herbs, etc.

Ha Giang grilled moss at the market awakens with an attractive aroma from harmonious and intertwined ingredients. When grilled, the moss will be softer and darker in color. Everyone who enjoys it thinks that the dish is unique in a strange and salty taste, which is difficult to describe. But thanks to the aroma of doi seeds, the pungency of lemongrass, and coriander leaves help to balance the flavor of this dish.

Address: Group 3, Meo Vac town, Ha Giang
Opening hours: 5:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. every Sunday
Reference price: 20,000 – 30,000 VND

5.3 Quyet Tien Market

Quyet Tien Market, in addition to buying specialties as gifts, also sells livestock, poultry and many traditional and cultural items.

Quyet Tien Market Ha Giang has long become a famous market in the North. The market takes place every Sunday. It is an address for people in all communes and districts to freely come to exchange and trade goods. Ha Giang grilled moss, is said to be the most special dish that tourists must try when coming here. Grilled moss will bring a memorable culinary experience to this highland. From the ingredients to the taste, they all exude the flavor of the mountains and forests of the highlands. All will make you admire and praise with great taste.

Address: Quyet Tien, Quan Ba ​​district, Ha Giang
Opening hours: 4:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. every Sunday
Reference price: 10,000 – 40,000 VND

5.4 Pho Cao Market

At Pho Cao market, you can enjoy grilled moss and admire the on-site processing process

Here, the market is held once every 6 days and usually only meets from early morning to noon. The characteristic of the Pho Cao market is that it is immersed in fog all year round because the market is located at the node point in the highlands.

Although the market is still poor and the trading items are not much. But mainly the products that they can grow and raise. In particular, there is an extremely attractive grilled moss dish that is only available in Ha Giang. And at Pho Cao market, people will process this Ha Giang grilled moss dish on the spot. From a distance, you can already hear the sweet aroma of this Ha Giang specialty.

Address: 55RW+43F, Pho Cao, Dong Van, Ha Giang
Opening hours: 5:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. every Sunday
Reference price: 10,000 – 30,000 VND

Thus, Ha Giang grilled moss specialty is a unique dish and leaves many impressions on domestic and foreign tourists. This article provides basic information and delicious places to eat for visitors’ reference. Karst Plateau wishes you a memorable trip.

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