
Nho Que River – A beautiful tourist destination like a fairy tale on the rocky plateau of Ha Giang

Nho Que River, Ha Giang is the perfect suggestion for backpackers who plan to visit Ha Giang city. If you want to have photos of a lifetime on your upcoming trip to Ha Giang, you must stop by the Nho Que River to fully feel the majestic nature of heaven and earth! To help everyone have the best trip, Karst Plateau will share with you the experience of exploring the Nho Que River that visitors should not miss.

1. Introduction to Nho Que River

Nho Que River Ha Giang is blessed by Mother Nature with majestic mountains and an extremely special jade-colored river

Nho Que River is located at an altitude of more than 1,500 m. It originates in the mountains of Nghiem Son (China) and flows in a northwesterly direction. The total length of the river is 192 km, of which there is 46 km in Vietnam. The river flows from the territory of Seo Lung village (Lung Cu) through Tu San Alley, following the Ma Pi Leng pass to Meo Vac. From Meo Vac, the water splits into two, and flows in the direction of East and Southeast, through the territory of Cao Bang province before pouring into the Gam River.

Nho Que River has a dreamy beauty, with blue water in jade color. This is an attractive destination in Ha Giang tourism. During the scenic boat journey, visitors will admire the poetic and lyrical scenery of the mountains and forests of the Northeast, amazed by the scenic spots on the Dong Van Rock Plateau.

2. The ideal time to visit Nho Que River

The time considered most suitable to travel to Nho Que River is November

Visitors can visit the dreamy Nho Que River at any time of the year. But for the travel experience of the Karst Plateau, the best time is still in November. At this time, the weather began to turn cold, and the uneven rocky cliffs became more wild and mysterious, urging backpackers to conquer.

In particular, November is also the season of buckwheat flowers in Ha Giang. Sailing on the river, visitors will fully feel the charming flavor of heaven and earth here.

3. Means and how to get to Nho Que River Wharf

For those who come to Nho Que River for the first time, taking a boat is an interesting experience, helping you feel the beauty of this scenic spot. There are two Nho Que River wharf for you to choose from, Ta Lang and Xin Cai. If departing from Dong Van town, visitors should choose to go down to Ta Lang Wharf to facilitate transportation. On the contrary, if your route stretches along to the top of Ma Pi Leng Pass, get off at Xin Cai Wharf.

3.1 Xin Cai Wharf

Xin Cai Wharf

Xin Cai commune belongs to the Meo Vac district, the road to the commune runs along the Nho Que River. Moving to the end of Ma Pi Leng Street, you will see a sign indicating the way down the Nho Que River at Xin Cai Wharf. The distance from the sign to the boat dock is about 5 km. Arriving at the destination, you have to continue walking for about 2 km to get down to the boat anchorage.

3.2 Ta Lang Wharf

Ta Lang Wharf

Dong Van is roughly 4 kilometers distant from the Ta Lang Wharf, which can be found in Ta Lang Village, which is part of the Pai Lung Commune. The route that leads to Ta Lang Wharf is around 8 kilometers in length, however, it can be rough and difficult due to its various twists, ascents, and descents. If you intend to go by motorcycle, you should check the condition of your tires before setting out, but if you want to travel in a more secure manner, you should think about taking a taxi.

4. Ticket price for boat service to visit Nho Que River

Currently, visitors have 3 options of means to visit the Nho Que River, each type of boat will have a different price.

4.1 Kayak bout

Kayaking to see the Nho Que River is a fascinating experience

Kayaking to see the Nho Que River is an attractive experience, especially for young people. Kayaks are lightweight and easy to control, and the rental price is only from 50,000 VND/person.

4.2 Self-rowing boats

Small groups of guests can choose wooden boats to admire the scenery and take photos

Self-rowing boats have 2 forms, wooden boats, and iron boats, suitable for small groups of guests. The price of taking a boat on the Nho Que River by self-rowing boat is from 100,000 to 150,000 VND/person. If you have no experience in boating, you can hire more rowers.

4.3 Motorboats

Renting a motorboat is the choice of tourists who do not want to waste their time rowing, but instead spend all their time admiring the beauty of this place

The motorboat is equipped with seats, suitable for tourists who are in tour groups, both saving strength and admiring the beautiful scenery. In particular, the boat also allows pairing passengers to save costs, so the price will be cheaper than other types of boats. Motorboat tickets range from 100,000 – 150,000 VND/person.

5 Experience interesting activities at Nho Que River

5.1 Admire the beauty of Nho Que River

Kayaking is an experience loved by many young people

Nho Que River has a poetic beauty, the blue water in jade color combined with the green color of the mountains and hills and vegetation on Tu San Gorge. From the top of Ma Pi Leng Pass, visitors will have to admire the winding green river, stretching to infinity. However, to feel the full beauty of this scenic spot, you have to choose boat tours.

The boat departs from the Nho Que River Wharf, slowly going down the water to take visitors to explore the scenery of Ha Giang. The steep cliffs, clear blue sky, and the sound of nature, mountains, and forests promise to leave you with many unforgettable memories.

5.2 Kayaking experience to see the Nho Que River

Kayaking is an experience loved by many young people

Not only there are activities on the boat, but the experience of swimming and kayaking is also very interesting. Kayaking is very simple if the person you are rowing with knows how to combine well. If you know how to swim, you should try to swim down this river. Because you try one round to be able to fully enjoy the fragrance of heaven and earth.

5.3 Visit Tu San Alley

Admire the beauty of Tu San alley

From the Nho Que River wharf, visitors will be able to sail down to Tu San Alley. This is the pride of Ha Giang tourism. On both sides of the canyon are giant cat’s ear stone walls with unique geological structures, below is the clear blue water of the Nho Que River, magnificent but no less dreamy. In the midst of that overwhelming space, people seem to be in the middle of nature, becoming smaller than ever.

5.4 Enjoy the fresh air

Immerse yourself in nature to enjoy the fresh air

If you are tired of the noise and smog of the city, Nho Que River is the ideal stop for you. Coming here, you will be immersed in the space of trees, flowers, and trees, listening to the sound of birds singing, and the water flowing on the shore. All blend together to form a symphony of mountains and forests, making everyone fall in love.

Above is the information that Karst Plateau wants to share with tourists information about the Nho Que River. Hope Karst Plateau has helped you gain more experience for your upcoming Ha Giang travel trip.

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